Green Worldwide


Green Worldwide’s partnerships are .........


Engineering and Regulatory Pioneers

Green Worldwide has teamed up with SCS Engineers, an environmental consulting and contracting firm serving public and private clients globally with core capabilities in solid and hazardous waste management, energy, remediation and environmental compliance. SCS brings over 50 years of waste management and environmental consulting to each project; and their regulatory expertise stems back to their contributions in drafting original EPA law.


20+ Years of Energy Generation from Waste

Green Worldwide has an exclusive relationship with Nabla Energy to develop turnkey solutions with their proprietary technology in the US. Nabla Energy's ingenuity stems from the combination of World Bank trained engineers with waste management expertise and top chemical and mechanical engineers who guide the conversion technology. Nabla Energy has successfully created a disruptive waste-to-energy solution with a proven track record in efficient energy recovery from virtually any source. Ranging from Tire waste and manufacturing byproduct, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), to Industrial sludge, Nabla's proprietary process delivers stellar results both fiscally and environmentally. Green Worldwide's exclusive relationship with Nabla allows us to provide a clean and responsible waste-to-energy solution that is as effecient for a small hospital or hotel, as it is for a major municipality or industial manufacturer.

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Partnerships ... ...